When you anticipate inheriting a certain amount or certain assets when a New York loved one dies, you may be in for an unpleasant surprise if things do not play out as you expected. You may not challenge a will simply because you disagree with how its author chose to...
For Estate Planning, Estate Administration And Disputes
Month: August 2021
What are the two different types of a living trust?
Even if you do not currently have a last will and testament, it is likely that you are familiar with the purpose of the document. Many people, however, are less aware of living trusts and the role that they can play in a robust estate plan. Living trusts have a number...
How can I avoid estate planning mistakes?
You probably already know how crucial an estate plan is for your assets and family. Develop a solid and legally binding plan is equally important, as this will prevent family members from contesting it. According to Kiplinger, certain estate planning mistakes are...