If you moved overseas to pursue a lucrative job opportunity, there are a number of legal issues that are often more difficult to work through while you are abroad. For example, if you need to revise your estate plan or set up an estate plan and you are not in the U.S., you may expect these tasks to be more challenging.
However, you can handle estate-related legal matters while you are in a foreign country.
The importance of staying up to date on your estate plan
Some people push off estate planning matters when they are outside of the U.S., and this is a disastrous decision if someone becomes incapacitated due to an accident or serious health problem. Advance directives and health care agents can help get you the treatment you need if you cannot speak for yourself.
You should also review what will happen to your assets should you die while abroad. If something happens to you while you are overseas, your family members will likely encounter hardships with respect to your estate, from the distribution of assets to handling various financial affairs and disputes often arise. According to the Department of State, the consular office notifies the next of kin and collects and sends certain assets to them in the U.S.
The estate planning options available to workers in a foreign country
Thanks to technological advancements, it is often possible for workers who are living in another country to manage their estate planning issues through the internet. From emails and gathering information online to discussing legal matters via video chat, you can handle estate-related affairs from a distance.