While an individual's passing means that his or her final affairs need to be settled, it is not unusual for complications during that time to arise. For instance, if a person or organization was expecting to receive a bequest from a New York estate only to find out...
For Estate Planning, Estate Administration And Disputes
Concerns over estate crime may lead to probate litigation
Most New York residents want to settle their loved ones' final affairs as easily as possible. However, that is not always how such scenarios work out. In fact, concerns could arise regarding whether the deceased person suffered abuses that diminished the estate or...
Minor typos can lead to major will contests
Keeping property within a family is important to many people. Whether the desired asset is a small piece of jewelry or a substantial tract of land, passing along assets must be done correctly. Even if New York residents think they have taken the correct steps to...
Probate litigation: Woman charged after creating fraudulent will
The time after a person's passing can often see conflicts over remaining assets. Even if New York residents took the time to create estate plans, some unscrupulous parties could take steps in attempts to unjustly benefit from remaining estates. As a result, probate...
Probate litigation to address beneficiary of man’s life insurance
When a person dies, especially unexpectedly, a number of conflicts can come about regarding the distribution of assets and other aspects of settling his or her estate. In some cases, beneficiary designations may come as a shock to the surviving family. If it appears...
Missing documents may lead to probate litigation, other actions
New York residents have a lot to handle after the death of a loved one. Unfortunately, their situations may only become more complicated if the decedent's estate plan was missing important documents or if a lack of clarity regarding beneficiaries exists. This type of...
Probate litigation moves to Supreme Court over inheritance fight
People in New York and across the country often think that they should receive some type of inheritance from a deceased loved one's estate. In many cases, family members or other close parties are entitled to assets, but in others, certain documents may indicate that...
Seemingly unfair distributions may lead to probate litigation
Though most New York residents love their family members a great deal, it can often be difficult to show that love in a manner that everyone feels is equal or at least fair. This type of scenario can become especially prominent after a parent or other close loved one...
Probate litigation may be warranted if executor breaches duty
Settling a recently-deceased person's estate is a complicated affair. The executor plays the biggest role in handling the necessary obligations associated with probate, and because of this, many heirs or beneficiaries may feel out of the loop. However, they may notice...
Feeling cheated, jealousy could lead to probate litigation
Sibling rivalry is common in many New York families. For some, the disputes may only present themselves as small bouts of jealousy, but for others, the conflicts can be so severe that legal action is necessary to resolve them. After the death of a parent, fighting...